Ventilation duct leakage testing
Kompleksowe badanie kanałów na różnych etapach ich użytkowania – od etapu budowy i odbiorów inwestycji, aż po eksploatację budynku.
What can we offer?
Tests may include preparing the duct network for the test, conducting the test (overpressure, underpressure), and providing a report and recommendation. We perform tests on almost every type of building, both on horizontal and vertical channels.
- Locating the causes of abnormal temperatures or lack of adequate fresh air.
- Zmniejszenie strat energii i obniżenie rachunków za energię.
- Restore the HVAC system to design assumptions, in accordance with the manufacturer's data sheet.
- Detection and repair of leaks that can lead to a lack of cooling and heating power.
- Ability to optimise the operation of HVAC systems in all types of buildings.
- Przygotowanie sieci kanałów do testu, co obejmuje zaślepienie wlotów i wylotów oraz otwarcie przepustnic/regulatorów.
- Przeprowadzenie testu, który może obejmować nadciśnienie lub podciśnienie.
- Dostarczenie szczegółowego raportu wraz z rekomendacjami dotyczącymi dalszych działań.
What you should know?
Leaks in HVAC systems can lead to a number of problems, such as lack of cooling and heating power, incorrect temperatures, lack of adequate fresh air, poor working conditions for staff in a commercial kitchen, and difficulties in maintaining dust and microbiological cleanliness in operating rooms and other clean rooms. Our air duct leak testing helps detect and repair these problems, leading to improved HVAC system performance, reduced energy loss and lower energy bills.
Get started by contacting us
Get started by contacting us