White Certificates
White Certificates is a system of energy efficiency certificates based on the Energy Efficiency Act of May 20, 2016. This mechanism allows you to receive additional funds for carrying out modernizations aimed at improving energy efficiency, resulting in energy savings.

What can we offer?
White certificates confirm the amount of final energy saved resulting from the implementation of a project or projects of the same type aimed at improving energy efficiency.
- Additional funding for energy efficiency upgrades.
- Confirmation of the amount of energy saved, which can help improve the company's reputation.
- Possibility to finance up to 25% of the retrofit costs through white certificates.
- Possibility to assign white certificates, which can reduce the initial capital expenditure for retrofitting.
- We calculate, based on our own or external modernization project, the amount of TOE (tons of oil equivalent) for a given investment.
- We help or, on behalf of the Investor, prepare an application to the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) for white certificates.
- Prowadzimy modernizację lub nadzorujemy jej wykonanie zgodnie z założeniami wniosku.
- Przeprowadzamy końcowy audyt.
What you should know?
A very important element of the modernizations we plan is to maintain the continuity of the owner's income - most or all of the work can be carried out in a minimally invasive manner, at nights or weekends, without interrupting the lease period and without causing major inconvenience to the tenant. However, this requires unconventional thinking, extensive experience and the use of new technologies.

Get started by contacting us
Get started by contacting us