
Repair HVAC systems

HVAC system repair is a service that includes the diagnosis, repair and optimization of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. A team of specialists conducts a detailed technical analysis of the HVAC system, taking into account both technical aspects and the user's perspective.

What can we offer?

Analiza obejmuje takie elementy jak prędkość powietrza, wilgotność, komfort i hałas. Na podstawie tej analizy, zespół identyfikuje problemy i wykonuje niezbędne naprawy, aby zapewnić optymalne działanie systemu HVAC.



What you should know?

Repairing HVAC systems is not only a technical issue, but also an understanding of the needs of building users. That's why our team of specialists always takes the user's perspective into account to ensure that the HVAC system not only works properly, but also provides optimal conditions for the people using the building.

Get started by contacting us

Get started by contacting us

Sample projects

PGE Narodowy

Warszawa - Praga Południe

Centrum Nowych Technologii UW

Warszawa - Stara Ochota