
HVAC systems repair

A service that includes diagnosis, repair and optimisation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. A team of specialists carries out a detailed technical analysis of the HVAC system, taking into account both technical aspects and the user's perspective.

What can we offer?

The analysis includes elements such as air velocity, humidity, comfort, and noise levels. Based on this analysis, the team identifies issues and performs the necessary repairs to ensure the optimal



What you should know?

Repairing HVAC systems is not only a technical issue, but also an understanding of the needs of building users. That's why our team of specialists always takes the user's perspective into account to ensure that the HVAC system not only works properly, but also provides optimal conditions for the people using the building.

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Our work

PGE Narodowy

Warszawa - Praga Południe

Centrum Nowych Technologii UW

Warszawa - Stara Ochota