
Modernization - replacing the fan with FanWall

Modernizacja centrali z wykorzystaniem technologii FanWall to zamiana wentylatora na układ kilku mniejszych wentylatorów w formie nowej grodzi wewnątrz centrali.

What can we offer?

The modernization allows restoring the design values of the ventilation system, sometimes within just one weekend.



What you should know?

The replacement of conventional fans with FanWall is a significant aspect when it comes to sustainable energy management in buildings. Efficiently operating fans not only increase energy efficiency and reduce operating costs but also significantly improve the comfort and health of building occupants.

Modernization allows for the restoration of the ventilation system's design values, sometimes within just one weekend, while significantly reducing electricity consumption in the ventilation unit. This simple measure enables achieving air pumping efficiency levels comparable to the latest central designs, at very low cost and with minimal logistical complexity for the entire operation.

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Get started by contacting us

Our work

PGE Narodowy

Warszawa - Praga Południe

Centrum Nowych Technologii UW

Warszawa - Stara Ochota